I love this time of year, deciduous tree transplanting (here in L.A. anyhow), football playoffs,75 degree days ( at least today, a week ago the low was 26) and the Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai annual Winter Silhouette Show. This year marks the 49th annual show.
This is the only show of its kind in the U.S.-every tree is displayed in its bare form.
I'll apologize in advance about the quality of some of the shots, the lighting in the show hall is terrible. So without further ado here is a selection of the trees.

Contorted Catlin Elm

 Shohin display
  Chinese Elm
 Red Birch
 Suiseiki and Chinese Elm

 Shohin Display
 Trident Maple
 Crepe Myrtle
Trident Maple 
 Scrub Oak
 Korean Hornbeam
 Liquidambar Orientalis
Catlin Elm 
 Sejiu Elm
 Flowering Plum
 Chinese Elm
 Japanese Hornbeam
 Crepe Myrtle
Chinese Elm 
 Trident Maple
 Princess Persimmon
 Chinese Elm
 Trident Maple
 Chinese Elm

Congratulation to Baikoen for another amazing exhibition. I can't wait to see the 50th anniversary show.
Thanks to all for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed seeing these bare naked trees. As always all comments or suggestions for future blogs are welcome.

Bare naked trees 2013

I love this time of year, deciduous tree transplanting (here in L.A. anyhow), football playoffs,75 degree days ( at least today, a week ago the low was 26) and the Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai annual Winter Silhouette Show. This year marks the 49th annual show.
This is the only show of its kind in the U.S.-every tree is displayed in its bare form.
I'll apologize in advance about the quality of some of the shots, the lighting in the show hall is terrible. So without further ado here is a selection of the trees.

Contorted Catlin Elm

 Shohin display
  Chinese Elm
 Red Birch
 Suiseiki and Chinese Elm

 Shohin Display
 Trident Maple
 Crepe Myrtle
Trident Maple 
 Scrub Oak
 Korean Hornbeam
 Liquidambar Orientalis
Catlin Elm 
 Sejiu Elm
 Flowering Plum
 Chinese Elm
 Japanese Hornbeam
 Crepe Myrtle
Chinese Elm 
 Trident Maple
 Princess Persimmon
 Chinese Elm
 Trident Maple
 Chinese Elm

Congratulation to Baikoen for another amazing exhibition. I can't wait to see the 50th anniversary show.
Thanks to all for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed seeing these bare naked trees. As always all comments or suggestions for future blogs are welcome.

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