Bonsai Tree Care
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bonsai progression
ficus religiosa
mini bonsai
peepal tree
root-over-rock bonsai
Root Over Rock Bonsai Progression - Part 3
Pedais Handmade
domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2017
Tree Species :
Ficus Religiosa
(Peepal tree)
This is a 4 month progression of my root over rock mini bonsai project using 1 year old cuttings of ficus religiosa / peepal tree.
Watch on YouTube
(Read video description also)
Part 1
Part 2
Happy New Year 2018
Bottle Cap Bonsai - Fantastic Growth In 1.5 Months !
Bonsai From Seed In 2 Years !
Root Escape Technique For Mini Bonsai Of Ficus Religiosa Cuttings
Emergency Root Rescue On My Mini Slab Bonsai
Penjing Bonsai - Root Over Rock Style
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